Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Peter Pans and Wendys

It feels like it takes forever to get over someone who stomped on your heart but you have to. Friend there is no point in self torture. Heard every story every single one if he loved you, he would be with you right now. If he loved you, truly loved you, he would feel like he had to hear your voice every day just so he could smile.

The truth is women carry on the fantasy a lot longer than men. Men are simple, yes I said it lol. Can you cook? How much will his life have to change to be with you? Will he have to take on children? ( Big one if he has none , also if he does most do not want them on their daddy time off.) If you are a single mom with time off you feel the same, most of you not all of you.  There are still men out there without the emotional brain power of cooked eggs, and women too for you single dads.
A woman is  more likely to see taking on a step child as 'no big deal'. Due to a woman's emotional complexity. You can be beautiful, incredible and still run into one selfish peter pan wanna be after another. That is a good thing because most of these guys find a young trophy girls who won't cook, doesn't respect them, and leaves them in five years ;)

They realize what they had in the end I promise you. When Peter Pan grows up (eventually) and ends up alone . His young girl has long left . He has no children to love him, no family to call his own. I promise you will cross his mind then. You will never know , or even care at this point because your incredible.

You will have long since found someone who deserves you. I know the fantasy is he realizes what he lost and comes running back. If you want to find yourself in the "Catch and Release program" by all means take him back for the millionth time. Really- seriously dig your heart a nice big giant hole. Hey how about you  invite me over I'll stomp on it for yah. No lets just light it on fire because today, tomorrow, or next week he's just going to it anyways.

So when Peter shows up at your door and says "I have missed you every day for so long", maybe he brings flowers even . You say, "You wouldn't have had to miss me, if you hadn't been stupid enough to let me go  in the first place."  Then you slam the door in his Peter Pan face "Off to never land with that looser ".  Because he's never going to get you back . This will leave you free to meet the man of your dreams . Not pining over someone not worthy of breathing your air . Your awesome,your incredible and your more than worthy of a person just like you. Now men can turn that whole story around for them too. There's lots of wendys out there. Tomorrow lets discuss; " The Grass is Greener Guy" we all know and love .

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